
Build a foundation for lasting recovery from addiction

How Cocaine Can Damage the Brain

successful middle aged man leaning against window seemingly in pain as he contemplates how cocaine can damage the brain.

Cocaine is an addictive stimulant that became popular as a party drug in the 1980s. It is an illegal substance that has a significant impact on the brain. The effects of cocaine on the brain are widely known, yet many people continue to abuse this substance and risk brain injury and serious psychological harm.

Evoke Wellness at Coconut Creek supports all Floridians who abuse cocaine, heroin, meth, or other toxic substances and want to regain control of their lives. During the intake process, we will run a complete health assessment to find the right combination of therapies and medication to treat your unique symptoms. You will work with a behavioral therapist in group and private therapy sessions while receiving medication to ease withdrawals and cravings.

Discover all of the benefits of our cocaine rehab program in Coconut Creek by calling 866.693.3871 today to speak with our compassionate team.

Cocaine and the Brain

The brain is the computer that runs the engine that is your body. If you put toxic or tainted fuel in an engine, what happens? It stops working. Cocaine works in the same way. It can cause significant brain damage, negatively impacting your ability to take care of daily responsibilities.

There is plenty of research that shows how cocaine and the brain interact in a bad way. With steady cocaine use come several mental health issues, including psychosis, auditory hallucinations, anxiety, panic disorders, restlessness, and paranoia. These issues are minor compared to the physical damage cocaine has on the brain:

  • Stress hormone – Cocaine use increases the stress hormone cortisol. High levels of cortisol can lead to permanently high blood pressure, which can damage the cardiovascular system.
  • Physical brain damage – A weakened cardiovascular system can lead to significant brain damage as well as damage to other vital organs. This can lead to:
    • Chronic headaches
    • Blood clots
    • Stroke
    • Seizures
  • Aging – As we age, we naturally lose a small amount of grey matter in the brain. For past and present cocaine users, the decrease in grey matter in the brain is doubled over people who have never used cocaine.

Working with the team at Evoke Wellness at Coconut Creek can help you break the addiction to cocaine and learn how to lead a healthy and sober lifestyle. Our programs include cognitive-behavioral therapy along with medical support and other beneficial therapies to create a comprehensive addiction recovery program.

The Effects of Cocaine Addiction

Cocaine use will cause physical dependence and mental cravings for the drug. Regular use changes the chemical makeup in your body to where it needs a constant supply just to function normally. If you try to stop after using it for an extended period, you will experience a number of painful withdrawal symptoms that can last for weeks or longer.

Here are some additional effects of cocaine abuse:

Behavioral Effects

While a person is on cocaine, they will be very talkative and excitable. It creates an overinflated sense of self and decreases their ability to make rational decisions. Other behavioral changes include frequent mood swings, being less social, losing interest in favorite activities, and using money for bills to buy more drugs.

Physical Effects

The physical side effects can be clearly identified if you know what to look for. When you use cocaine, it will cause your pupils to dilate, a runny nose or nose bleeds, high levels of energy, and sweating. Other telltale physical signs include:

  • A white powdery residue around the nose and mouth
  • Burn marks on hands and lips
  • Rapid weight loss
  • Spoons, razor blades, and other drug paraphernalia around the home

Psychological Effects

The psychological effects of cocaine abuse can be very significant. In addition to strong psychological cravings for more cocaine, cocaine addiction can lead to:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Paranoia
  • Hallucinations
  • Psychosis
  • Cognitive impairment
  • Insomnia/hyposomnia

You can reverse most, if not all, of these effects of cocaine addiction by enrolling in a cocaine addiction treatment program. These programs allow for a safe recovery from cocaine addiction and promote long-lasting sobriety and good mental health.

Get Started Today with Evoke Wellness at Coconut Creek’s Cocaine Rehab Program

Evoke Wellness at Coconut Creek is available to support Florida residents who struggle with a cocaine addiction. Our team will welcome you and work closely with you to address all physical and psychological symptoms in a safe manner. Your personalized program will consist of a mix of behavioral and holistic therapies along with medical support to ease disruptive symptoms.

To better understand the relationship between cocaine and the brain, contact Evoke Wellness at Coconut Creek online or call 866.693.3871 today to schedule a tour and meet our dedicated team.