Cocaine is a central nervous system stimulant that gained popularity as a party drug back in the 1980s. What does cocaine feel like? The rush of euphoria, focus, and energy levels can be very appealing and push you to keep using it to maintain the high. Those who regularly abuse cocaine should be aware that regular use will lead to chemical dependence and intense cravings that can consume their every thought.
Evoke Wellness at Coconut Creek is a full-service addiction treatment facility that works with Florida residents who are addicted to cocaine, meth, or other toxic stimulants. When you first arrive at our private location, we will run a complete health assessment. We use this information to create a well-rounded recovery plan that includes behavioral therapies and medication-assisted treatment.
For more information about our Florida cocaine rehab, call 866.693.3871 today to speak with our caring team.
What Does Cocaine Feel Like?
Cocaine is a natural stimulant that comes from the coca plant, Erythroxylon coca. For thousands of years, this plant was chewed or mixed with tea for its mild stimulating effects and medicinal properties. Today, cocaine is a Schedule II narcotic and is illegal in most states due to its addictive properties and risks of overdose and death.
What does cocaine feel like? The short-term effects of cocaine include a rush of euphoria and happiness, excessive talking, increased sensitivity to light, sound, and touch, and high levels of energy. To produce these effects, your body’s heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, and metabolism increase dramatically and can lead to serious harm with continual use.
In large enough doses, cocaine can make you feel anger, irritability, and paranoia. Additional long-term effects of cocaine include:
- Damage to your lungs and organs
- Loss of smell
- Certain cancers
- Heart attack
- Stroke
- Parkinson’s disease
- Convulsions and seizures
At Evoke Wellness at Coconut Creek, we help people who are struggling with a substance use disorder and ready to begin a healthy new lifestyle. In addition to behavioral therapies and medical support, our programs include several types of holistic therapies to create a more beneficial recovery experience.
The Benefits of Treating Cocaine Abuse
Anyone who misuses cocaine for an extended period of time is at risk of developing severe physical and mental complications. While there is no cure for addiction, there are many positive benefits of participating in addiction recovery.
Just some of the benefits of treating cocaine abuse include:
Medical Support
Treatment programs include medication-assisted treatment to reduce withdrawals and cravings, along with any depressive or anxiety symptoms fueling the abuse. Medical staff will administer the medications and monitor each patient’s progress throughout the program. As their symptoms change or diminish, they will begin tapering off the medication until it is no longer necessary.
Better Coping Skills
Addiction treatment programs use cognitive-behavioral therapy and other types of behavioral therapies to teach patients how to identify their triggers and learn to manage their symptoms. When temptations and cravings reappear, instead of automatically reaching for more drugs, they learn healthy ways of ignoring those cravings and maintaining their sobriety. This can include anything from talking with a trusted friend, deep breathing exercises, meditation, or repeating a personal mantra.
Improved Communication Skills
Patients will also learn how to communicate their feelings better and that it is OK to ask for help. During group therapy sessions, you will participate in roleplaying games and other activities where you can practice your communication skills until you feel comfortable talking about difficult subjects.
A Healthier Lifestyle
In addition to behavioral therapy and medication-assisted treatments, addiction therapy includes life-skills training and holistic therapies that promote long-lasting sobriety and mental well-being. Some of these therapies include:
- Nutrition education
- Animal-assisted therapy
- Mindfulness and meditation therapy
- Family/relationship therapy
Cocaine addiction is treatable through an accredited addiction treatment program that uses a mix of behavioral and holistic therapies and medical support. This program allows for a safer recovery experience with fewer chances of relapse and a better understanding of how addiction is a treatable mental health disorder.
Find a Florida Cocaine Rehab at Evoke Wellness at Coconut Creek
What does cocaine feel like, and how can you stop abusing it before causing permanent damage? Evoke Wellness understands the harmful effects of cocaine and works closely with each patient to stop the abuse in a safe manner. We deliver a wide range of treatment programs to support your recovery. Some of our treatment programs include:
- Residential treatment programs
- Separate men’s and women’s programs
- Dual-diagnosis treatment programs
- Cocaine abuse treatment programs
If you or a loved one is struggling with cocaine abuse, today is the day to make a positive change. Call 866.693.3871 today or reach out online and take that first step toward recovery.